Friday, 23 March 2012

The Imagination Inquiry

We have recently embarked upon a new inquiry and I thought I'd share with you some of the photos of the provocations which we have put around the neighbourhood. Through these provocations, we are finding out what concepts the children have in regards to imagination and how do the children connect and relate these concepts to learning situations. It has been a more organic process than we have been used to allowing the students to lead the inquiry through their different expressions. So far, we have seen incredible levels of engagement already and have also witnessed high levels of critical thinking and creativity as well as application of skills and approaches we did not envisage. We hope to develop this inquiry during the last week of term and into the next term.

The Cinema Imaginarium where films are shown each day.

The review book for the Cinema Imaginerium

The Photographic Exhibition Wall where
imagination is expressed through photography.

The calligraphy area where students write
captions for their photography.

The Da Vinci wall with the Da Vinci sketch book.

The Dr Seuss provocation. 

The character development area where students can
develop their illustrations for their own book.

Think About It book. Students try and
answer some challenging questions.

Inside the Think About It book.

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